We understand that dental emergencies don't run on schedule. When emergency problem arise, be sure to call us, your emergency dentists near you, as soon as possible, we will make time for you by shifting appointments, staying late to focus on getting you out of pain.
While dental emergencies are rare, they can happen, and it's important to know what is a dental emergency and what is not considered an emergency. Common dental emergencies include: dental trauma, dental abscess, bleeding gum, and broken cusp.
If your permanent tooth falls out of your mouth ......
If you are experiencing Pain Call us today! We will do our best to squeeze you in our schedule of the day.
Dental abscess is a dental emergency and should be treated immedicately ................................
If your gums are spontaneously bleeding, yet you have regular check utyour medical doc s. This is a dental emergency. Please visit your medical doctor immediately to check the status of your health, and let Dr. Hoang know as soon as possible. Bleeding gum can be a symptom of more serious conditions.
Unless you are in extreme pain, broken cusp is not an emergency, we will book you.......
To properly evaluate your dental emergency situation.........